One Lovely Blog Award: 1,2


I am overwhelmed to be nominated for the ‘One lovely blog award’ by two of my lovely fellow bloggers Jamie from Don’t Give a Jamhere……. and by Idea Girlhere……. Please do visit their blogs, They both are amazing bloggers 🙂 🙂

I am so sorry if it’s too late but here it is and let’s start!

Thank you so much………

one lovely blog award


 1. Each nominee must thank the person who nominated them and link their blog in their post.

2. They must include the rules and add the blog award badge as an image.

3. Must add 7 facts about themselves.

4. Nominate (up to) 15 people to do the award.

7 Facts about me:

  1. My birthday is on the 13th of October!
  2. I have never dyed my hair!
  3. I am a food lover!
  4. I am vegetarian…….!!
  5. I am so hungry right now.
  6. I love travelling places.
  7. I always have a hard time answering facts about me 😆


I nominate…..


Chronicles Of An Urban Biharan

The Pradita Chronicles

Pink for Days

Beauty and the Ballroom

If you have a random fact you’d like to share about yourself, let me know down in the comments, I always love knowing random tidbits about you guys…

Hope you like it…………!! diy empress

18 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award: 1,2

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  1. Congrats and Thank you so much Aditi. I’m hungry all the time too 😂 unfortunately I’ve stopped doing awards now, but I feel honored that you even considered me. Let the goodwill stay this way. 😁 All the very very best to you and your blog 😊

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